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Premium Services.

Unusual Options Trade Activity Subscription

Based on our years of research, we have come to a conclusion that the institutional traders have the resources and talent in picking the right stocks and options. Also, we have noticed these institutional traders take a huge positions on certain option contracts. We believe these trades have a higher probability of success.


Our proprietary software can detect these unusual activities in real time. Through our Premium Twitter Feed, we communicate to our subscribers in real-time about the unusual option activity.


Unusual Option Activity Premium Twitter Feed Service.


  • One Month Recurring Subscription  [$147]

  • Three Month Recurring Subscription  [$397]

  • One Year Recurring Subscription (Best Value)*  [$1,397]

*Savings of over 20% over our regular monthly service.


Pre-Requisite:- Recommend that the student complete our Options Basic Course – 101

One-on-one Mentoring Services

After completion of our courses, we believe that our students need the support in process of transitioning from the theoretical knowledge to real world trading.


Our web-based mentoring services is geared towards the practical aspect of trading. In our mentoring services, we show our students how to prepare for trades right before events such as FOMC announcement, earnings and pharmaceutical FDA review.

Besides the events driven news, also we review the overall market, look at statistical data on options and implementation of strategies based on risk to reward profile.


Our mentoring services is provided for one hour every week and is provided on one-on-one basis through WebEx.


  • One Month Recurring Mentoring Services  [$247]

  • Three Month Recurring Mentoring Services  [$597]

  • One Year Recurring Mentoring Services (Best Value)*. [$1,897]

*Savings of over 35% over our regular monthly service


Pre-requisite: – To qualify for our mentoring services, we recommend that the student complete Options Intermediate Course – 201

Trading Options at Expiration – Live Trading Room

Certain Stock Options expire every Friday. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by most investors. These distortions give rise to outstanding trading opportunities with enormous profit potential. These opportunities regularly deliver returns of 30% to 100% per trade.


Unlike other option trading strategies which are dependent on market conditions, expiration trading focuses only on the underlying mathematics. It does not rely on any company earnings, market direction or economic cycle. Trading options on expiration is a complex affair that requires an unusual blend of pricing knowledge and day trading skills.


Every Friday through WebEx, our students can watch our trading options on expiration in real-time.


Live Trading Room (Every Friday Only)


  • Three Month Recurring Membership  [$2,997]

  • Six Month Recurring Membership  [$5,497]


Pre-requisite: – To qualify for this membership, the student must complete our Options Advanced Course – 301

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